WellnessIQ / wellbeing

Do These Things to Tackle Debt Quickly

First, I want to start by saying what all self-proclaimed money gurus say, “I am not a financial advisor, nor am I a financial expert,” but a great student who loves to learn and challenge myself daily. And by following the steps that I have learned from some of these gurus, I have been able…

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How Pain has Shaped My Life

Introduction My name’s Dylan Pipkin, I was born in San Francisco & grew up across the Golden Gate Bridge in the early 90s. As a kid, I played every sport I could. From baseball to soccer, basketball to golf, skateboarding to tennis, and everything in between. Birthdays & weekends were spent under the redwoods with…

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Why Meditation?

Written By: Akhil Bindra, MD You’ve all heard the word by now. Meditation. Several thoughts have likely crossed your mind. Why? What is it? Sounds like a waste of time. Sounds hokey. That’s not for me. Can’t do it, I’m horrible at that stuff.  And those thoughts are probably just the half of it. How…

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National Relaxation Day: Relaxation via Organization

Written By: Tiffany Hartman, Director of Operations Do you ever walk into your house and become anxious because your kitchen is piled with dishes and uneaten food, your kid’s toys are scattered throughout the living room (can anyone organize hot wheels?), bathroom towels on the floor, and beds unmade? Add in the feeling of a…

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Wellbeing as a Working Mom

Written by: Jackie McNamara, Director of Wellness Strategies My entire life I knew I wanted to be a mom. I was the little girl who had all the cabbage patch kids and baby dolls, who sat at the dinner table with us. In grade school I was a mommy’s helper to my younger cousins, in…

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